Standard Five


Standard 5- Assess and report constructively on student learning


*Assessing and reporting constructively is about being able to use a range of assessment modes that provides the required evidence for making judgements about students learning, capabilities and progress over a certain period. Students should be encouraged to self assess and create goals for themselves. It is important that the teacher uses the assessments and reflections to not only assess student progress, but their own progress as a teacher. Understanding what worked and what didn’t, what was taught and what was not, can come from these reports and assessments, essentially paving the way for next time. A teacher should know the advantages and limitations of the different assessment modes (formative, summative etc.), the techniques for developing assessment criteria (rubrics), the schools policies and procedures for assessment, the ethical responsibilities and the use of ICT to manage these records.
*Assessment has been a big part of my school placements. Observation was used each day as a preservice teacher, gaining understanding into my students and they way they interact. Through my third year prac, I was given the opportunity to develop three small units, all of which needed criteria sheets as forms of assessment. I developed a Religious Education rubric (summative assessment) and assessed students on their overall achievement, to the best of my ability. This gave me an insight into how hard it can be assessing a whole class and developing a consistent outcome for each.
*For me, assessment is not just about the right and wrong answers. It is about developing myself as a teacher, and helping the development of my students. As a teacher I will base my assessment strategies and techniques around the Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting (QCAR) Framework, therefore meeting the requirements of this standard.